Sunday, March 7, 2010

Next Step.....

I can't believe that Elias is now 5 months old. He is growing so much. When we were at his 4 month doctors appointing he now weights in at 18.2 Lbs.

He loves watching Kimber play and is wanting to grab everything he can get his hands on and put it in is mouth.

On the 3rd Elias rolled over onto his stomach for the 1st time. We were all so excited. He had been "practicing" for a few days now. He would get on his side and just end back up on his back. He hasn't figured out how to get back onto his back from his stomach, but that will come soon enough.

Picture of Elias just after he rolled over.

Elias is also starting to eat solid foods. He enjoys getting a hold of the spoon and tries to feed himself. He is not so sure about some of food, but he still tries them all that we feed him. We have figured that he loves to try to eat anything we eat. He really loves bread. He does a really good job at "gumming" it. He also loves to drink out of our glasses. While we are drinking he will try to grab the glass. When we do give him the cup he does a great job holding it and putting it up to his mouth. Now the job of getting all the drink to stay in his mouth. :)